Halley Bay - 1988


Notable events/features of the year

  • PACE radar (later known as SHARE) installed.


BatemanA.P.(Adrian 'Aids')Met, Physicist
BurgessG.N.(Graham)AIS DM
ClarkB.W.(Barry)Communications Mgr
CruseD.J.(Dave / DaveC / Cruzzie)AIS Engineer
DannJ.P.(John)GA, Tractors
FreshwaterR.A.(Ray)Met. Physicist
GoodwinG.(Graham 'Mick')Builder
LeonardJ.M.(Mark)Electronics Engineer
ModiC.K.(Chetan)VLF Physicist
SalterS.R.(Simon)AIS Engineer
+SquiresJ.A.C.(James)Met, Physicist
+TownsendD.J.(Dave "Dave T")Diesel mechanic
+ Deceased


Base photo:
Halley Bay base photo, 1988
D Townsend - J Owen - S Dove - J Squires
G Goodwin - P Clarke - R Freshwater - J Adlard - A Bateman - M Barber - D Figg - C Modi - D Cruse - G Burgess - B Clark
B Newman - M Leonard - J Dann - S Salter
Picture supplied by Tony Jackson

PACE radar & Halley IV
PACE radar & Halley IV
Photo by Mike Pinnock
Mike says: "I think I took this photo when the German helicopters took me for a flight at Halley in January 1988 (year we set up PACE)"

Pictures by Mark Leonard.

Another picture of the PACE radar. (Originally on the JHUAPL Superdarn website.)

Dr Owens' volunteers for the circadian rhythm study: (L-R) - Che Modi (VLF Physicist), Simon Salter (AIS Engineer), Dave Cruse (AIS Engineer), Jo Adlard (Physicist), and Mark Leonard (Electronic Engineer)
Photo by Jeremy Owen

Other information, anecdotes etc.

Phil Clarke writes:
Spent 88/89 as base electrician cum ice excavator!! Spent 91 as BC on Halley V during the rebuild. If the wife would let me i'd go back..... Maybe.. [26 November 2002]
Dave Cruse:
The mid-winter streak was already an established tradition in our day. I don't know the origins but it was kept on other bases as well. There was a tale about some lads at Sanae getting frostbite because they went in the full monty i.e. without mucklucks. [20 April 2003]
See also contributions by Graham Chambers, Mike Pinnock and Mick Roscoe. Also Jeremy Owen (below).
Jeremy Owen:
The midwinter streak was certainly going strong when I was at Halley and had been happening for as many years as the corporate memory on the base at that time could remember. I am happy to say that we did our bit to keep the tradition going, and that I didn't have to treat any frostbitten extremities from the streak carried out during the morning on Midwinter’s Day - mucklucks were encouraged (if not compulsory) for the circuit round the outside of the bases (starting and finishing in the garage) at a brisk -33C. I have photographic evidence of myself in full flight ‘in flagrante’! [1 April 2021]
Martin Barber:
Hello folks. Yeh, I wasn't supposed to winter at Halley, but the ingoing chef wouldn't stay, so I agreed to do my first winter at Halley, then my second at Faraday where I was supposed to be going. I have wintered at Halley one year, Faraday one year, and Signy two years and summered at Rothera, which was the last year the dogs were there, so I've been very lucky. [20 Nov 2010]

James Squires 1964 - 2002 (Obituary)

Dave Townsend (Obituary)

Circadian Rhythm Disturbance research project, Jeremy Owen


Summer 1987-88

LawrenceS.J.(Stuart)Captain, Bransfield

30 Apr 2022
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